Saturday, February 27, 2010

Why People Are Irrational about Politics

People are irrational about politics.

Drawing the Line on Support for Terrorism

Laws defining material support for terrorism are impossibly broad. Just ask the Humanitarian Law Project, a nonprofit accused of material support for terrorism because it gave legal advice to the PKK on how to present its human rights grievances against Turkey. The PKK is a Kurdish separatist group listed as a terrorist organization.

The Humanitarian Law Project is a nonprofit organization whose mission is "
protecting human rights and promoting the peaceful resolution of conflict by using established international human rights laws and humanitarian law."

Perhaps this is taking the definition of terrorism a bit too far.

Capital Punishment

Texas may be about to execute another possibly innocent man, yet refuses to do the DNA tests that might exonerate him. Looking at this case, I can't see how it can be legal to not go through with the DNA tests.

Saturday, February 06, 2010

The Dangerous Failures of Checks and Balances

Obama's and Bush have ushered in a new era of unrestricted presidential power, unchecked by the traditional American institutions. When it comes to terrorism, it seems that Americans are fine with a new rule of guilty until proven innocent.

The so called "war" exception

The new law of America for terrorists: guilty until proven innocent