Wednesday, September 08, 2010

Quran burning controversy. Is Gainesville, Florida trying to suppress free speech and should we be angry?

So a pastor in Gainesville, Florida named Terry Jones has plans to burn several hundred copies of the Quran on the anniversary of the September 11th terrorist attacks.

The Gainesville Fire Department has already denied Jones a permit to carry out this event.

Is this action by the city of Gainesville really about fire safety? Or is it about trying to keep controversial speech quiet?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You know, if this was just left alone as being some attention-seeking Christian making a hypocrite out of himself by burning someone else's holy book then I wouldn't care. But, as soon as General Petraeus had to step in and declare that it shouldn't be done because it might endanger our troops in Afghanistan I had to stand up for it.

The entire point of HAVING a military is so that people back home can live securely and exercise their freedom as they wish, even in silly ways. Now I have to defend this burning as an act of free expression and denounce anyone who would have Islamic threats of violence enter into the equation of whether or not this should be done.

The correct way to deal with someone who tries to coerce others through the use or the threat of force is to unite as one and stand against them. I don't agree with the Pastor's message, but I must fight for his freedom to make it.

People need to get their heads on straight about this stuff. You don't deal with bullies by appeasing them by giving them your lunch money or else they'll just come again tomorrow. You don't negotiate with terrorists or else they will be encouraged to commit more terrorism.

I've made a short Youtube video on the issue in my spare time. if anyone cares to take a look at it, it can be found here: